A member of the proftpd mailing list and myself discovered a problem with proftpd with mod_sqlpw.c optional module compiled in. Unix last command reveals passwords where the username should be. A patch was sent to the mailing list, however, the patch only protects ftp localhost not ftp remotehost. Johnie Ingram (Author of mod_sqlpw.c) was notified, as well as, the rest of the mailing list. I suggest the following work around: Wtemplog off Wtmplog details below: WtmpLog Syntax: WtmpLog on|off|NONE Default: WtmpLog on Context: server config, , , Compatibility: 1.1.7 and later The WtmpLog directive controls proftpd's logging of ftp connections to the host system's wtmp file (used by such commands as `last'). By default, all connections are logged via wtmp. _Todd