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cgi-reveng3.htm (11 K) How to exploit "unconnected" data - user authentication on the net
cgi-reveng4.htm (16 K) How to exploit weak CGI-script and PERL programs
cgi-reveng5.htm (24 K) How to exploit CGI-script, server side includes and perl ticks
whois.cgi.txt (2,3 K) Whois.CGI - ADVISORY
ex_w4server.c (5 K) Cgitest.exe CGI by using this buffer overflow exploit
ex_webbbs.c (3,8 K) authorization handling of WebBBS (exploit)
formhandler.cgi.txt (1 K) FormHandler.cgi
metasearch (1,6 K) CGI vulnerability found in meta.pl
ex_imagemap.c (4,9 K) imagemap CGI which is distributed with OmniHTTPd 1.01 and Pro2.04 (exploit)
whois_rawcgi.txt (4 K) whois_raw.cgi perl script
counter.txt (1,2 K) Counter.exe v2.70 for the Win32 platform
mac.DoS.txt (2,2 K) Responder.cgi script for MacHTTP CGI Servers
CGIc-DoS.txt (3,3 K) CGIc Library is vulnerable to buffer overflow
www-cgi-vulner.txt (6 K) Several new CGI vulnerabilities related to metacharacters in mail address fields; numerous perl-CGI scripts affected
wwwboard-bomb.txt (7,5 K) Matt's wwwboard script
Count.cgi_expl.txt (5,6 K) Count.cgi
test-cgi.txt (4,8 K) test-cgi vulnerability
textcounter (3,5 K) textcounter.pl SECURITY HOLE
webgais.txt (3,1 K) webgais
www-sql.txt (5,8 K) www-sql
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